i want more than just okay
Notes Host

all sorts of fun

After school today I went to Starbucks with some friends to study for my English exam tomorrow. It was such fun. And yes, we did study. That and look at the cute boy reading at the table next to us. Well, I was doing that anyway. Cute boys are way more interesting than Tale of Two Cities, just in case you were wandering. I find shy boys who like to read to be very sexy.

What's fun is playing like your on a game show. There were two of us who were the contestants and the other was scorekeeper and question-asker. Especialy when its your turn to be the later, and when no one gets the answer, you give yourself points for effort, because question-asker and scorekeeper is a tough job.

What's also fun is getting my hair dyed tomorrow.

9:12 p.m. December 17, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday