i want more than just okay
Notes Host

the sexiness of Kenny Chesney

reading: The Testament by John Grisham (again)
listening: "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem" by Kenny Chesney
eating: nothing
aniticipating: nothing in particular. Just enjoying summer vacation

Ah Kenny Chesney. What a guy. What a guy indeed. He's so wonderful. Did you know that he was deemed "Country`s Hottest Bachelor" by Country Weekly? Yes siree. He is one hunk-a-burning love.

Speaking of Elvis. I saw this thing on the news last night that it appears Elvis may be alive after all. Interesting. They had doctors and relatives of the King interviewed, ones that are convinced he is still alive. Intriguing. I personally think that, if Elvis is still alive (which I doubt), they should just leave him alone. He, apparantly, has done a great job of hiding himself and, apparantly, doesn't want to be found. I think that's obvious. Sure, it would be really cool if he was alive, but how much would it really matter. In the grand sceam of things, does Elvis being alive really effect anything? No ma'am, it does not.

Sure, the sexiness of Kenny Chesney doesn't really either,but . . . . . I don't really have a "but" to that so . . . Kenny Chesney is just sexy.


My pal, Marcie, got her driver's liscense last week. She seems so much older now. It makes me even more eager to get mine. I just can't wait. I'll be so much more independent. I can go wherever I want whenever I want. Within reason anyway. It'll just be so great. And I want a truck. I want one reeaally bad. I want a red Ford Explorer Sport's Track. Oh yes. I can just see myself cruzing down the round, windows rolled down, the wind lifting up my hair, blaring country music.

Oh yes. Just two more months. I can't wait.

2:57 p.m. May 28, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday