i want more than just okay
Notes Host

pointless, but oh well

Ah, AP World History. What a glorious, glorious subject. Even the more glorious when you're good pal Ben gives you his old AP World History binder to aid you in your troubles and you get to copy all his notes and ace the quiz and become a wonderful AP World History student, the envy of all other over achievers. Or so I hope it goes. I had W.H. homework tonight, to read and take notes on chapter 21, the whole 23 pages of it, and then to expect a open notes quiz or graded oral discussion on it tomorrow. Well, no way did I feel like doing that. So, I whipped out Ben's ol' binder, copied all his notes, as well as his quiz and oral discussion answers, and went on my merry way. At first I felt guilty. I was cheating and I'm a good girl and good girl's don't cheat. But then I thought, what's the difference between copying notes from the book and copying Ben's notes? I see none. Do you? No you don't. So my conciense is cleared and I can sleep soundly.

10:39 p.m. December 04, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday