i want more than just okay
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the russians are coming!

We have Russians at our house.

"The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!" That's what my mom was saying all yesterday. I was amused. Not with having to clean my room though.

Crazy Russians and their crazy customs. One of the first things they did after getting settled is take of their shoes. I was like, "Psh, if they don't have shoes. Why should I have to wear 'em?" So I took off mine too. You know what they, say, when visited by Romans, do as the Romans do.

In other news, I've decided what I'm getting Liz for Christmas. I making her a scrapbook of us. I figure, I've known her since 3rd grade, so there's gotta be a lotta pictures of us together laying around. Not as easy as I had expected, finding pictures of her and I together, because usually either I'm taking the picture, or she is, or if someone else is there are usually a whole lotta other people in the picture that no one really cares about. This is a Liz and Laura scrapbook. Not a Liz and Laura and a whole lotta other people that no one really cares about scrapbook. Get it right.

7:09 p.m. December 09, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday