i want more than just okay
Notes Host

a super-good feeling

Long live The Macky indeed!

Hello my fellow homo sapiens. I signed on today and, what do I see, but four more real live people signed my guestbook today. I broke yesterday's record! That's aboslutely splendid, and makes me so happy inside. Thanks guys!

In other news, another reason that I'm so excited and in such the good mood, is because this weekend I'm going on the annual fall retreat with my church youth group, Overtime. I'm so incredibly excited, it's not even funny (though I don't really see how it would be funny to begin with. Meh.) Yay for spending the weekend with my friends. Yay for ultimate frisbee. Yay for camp food. Yay for my life. I'm really loving it today. No joke. I just feel so . . content right now. I feel right. And, kind of like yesterday, I feel in control. I'm okay. Life's okay. I have friends who love me, a family who loves me, a cool shirt that I'm wearing right now, and a God who loves me and will always be there for me. Yay for life. I love this feeling. I wish I could feel it all day, everyday.

5:12 p.m. April 23, 2003
yesterday . not so yesterday