i want more than just okay
Notes Host

a bunch of sentences

I just ordered my class ring. I'm rather excited. Rings are fun, and class rings are even more fun because ever since I was little I've always seen people wearing them and thinking how cool they were and blah blah blah and now I get on my own and its exciting. Yeah, a lot of people think getting high school class rings are a waste of money and you won't wear them for long, and I'll probably think that too in a few years, but for now, let me have my excitement.

You know what's fun? Coming home and dreading doing homework, thinking your going to have to stay up all night doing homework, feeling sorry for youself because you have such a crap load of homework, and then getting it finished by 9:07, having plenty of time to order you class ring and start on tomorrow's homework. Not that you will, but you can, and that's all that matters. I probably should, seeing as tomorrow I'm going to be rather busy, but, oh well, I'm pretty responsible as teenagers go and think I deserve a break every once and a while.

Okay, I'm starting to annoy myself. I'm sitting here writing this entry about class rings and homework and feeling like a boring dork who has nothing else interesting going on in her life, so she writes about class rings and homework. Meh, it happens.

Go panthers.

Oh, and today in Speech class, this guy randomily starts talking to me. He remembered way at the begining of the school year when I mentioned in my first day "Getting to know You" speech that I was a fan of Rage Against the Machine. He says he has this really cool DVD of Rage at some concert in Mexico and that I could borrow it sometime. Totally out of the blue this was, and kind of random because he's never really talked to me before. I said I wanted to see the DVD and acted real interested and felt nice inside. Is it pathetic to feel pleased over a random boy who remembered a random comment you made more than a month ago and randomly starts talking to you about it? I think not. And he's in a band, which makes him ten times cooler in my book. Since I have a book and all. Books . .Anywho, I heard this thing once that girls with older brothers are usually attracted to guys who are like their older brothers. I suppose I can see how that is true in my case. My brother a is quiet yet goofy, introspective, funny, musical, smart, nice-looking guy, and I happen to be attracted to quiet yet goofy, introspective, funny, muscial, smart, nice-looking guys. What do ya know. I think I started talking about this because that guy who was talking to me, Josh, is in a band and my brother was in a band before going to college and I was making a connection between the two. Who knows.

My sentences are really long today.

9:30 p.m. September 30, 2003
yesterday . not so yesterday