i want more than just okay
Notes Host

i'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair

I haven't left my house at all today. It's great. All I did today was sit in front of the TV with my friends and watch episode after episode of the second season of 24. It's a grand show, you should watch it. I'd recommend buying or renting the season on DVD though, because every episode is a cliffhanger and you'll want to shot yourself if you have to wait a week after every one. Its more fun just to watch it all in one sitting anyway. We still have like, nine episodes left though. My head hurts from staring at the TV for so long. Starring at the computer screen really helps, too.

Today has been fun. I made a lot of necklaces. It was something to do while watching the show. I can never just sit there and watch TV. I have to be doing something productive, like making necklaces. And they're all so pretty and colorful. It's great.

And I'm still in my pajamas from last night. And I have yet to take a shower. Its great.

The only thing that's sad about today is that I missed the rain. I walked outside just now when Rob was leaving and smelt rain. I love that smell. It had rained today, apparently, and I missed it. It would have been so fun to feel all cozy in my house, watching 24, whilst it was raining outside. But alas, I missed it. Oh well, I'll live.

Yesterday was a good day too. Allison sang the national anthem at the pep rally and sounded great. She totally freaked out though. Afterwards she was all hyperventilating and crying. She isn't really comfortable in front of people, so she didn't handle singing in front of about 800 high school students too well. But I'm really proud of her for doing it. She'd been dreading it for about a month and almost didn't go through with it, but she did. Yay for her. And then first period, my US History teacher forgot to tell us something about the essay we wrote last class, so she made us homemade brownies. They were nummy.

I wish I could sleep in tomorrow. That would be sweet. But I have to wake up to go to church. I mean, I love God and everything, but sleep is nice too. I'm such a heathen. Heh. Not really though.

I wish I had more to say. I wish I could write and write and write. But I'm just not that interesting. So, don't let the bed bugs bite.

10:29 p.m. October 04, 2003
yesterday . not so yesterday