i want more than just okay
Notes Host

i think this is a good mood

Aw, I would like to thank rurisue for making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You make me feel like some people actually want to read what I write here and that its not just a waste of space, and that makes me smile.

In other news, what's up with all my teachers having tests this week? I think my brain is really going to explode. I have a history and psychology test tomorrow, a Physics test on Wednesday and a Latin test on Thursday. I'll definitely be happy when this week is over. Especially tomorrow. That psychology test is going to be a real booger (well, not a real booger, 'cause that would be gross.). It's all about the brain and nervous system and fun stuff like that. Except that it's not fun at all and makes me want to sleep. I took psychology because I like to learn about people, not about their insides. Oh well, I studied a lot and hopefully will do well.

I want to say something else, but really , all I've done today is study and go to school, so I have nothing else to say. Oh, but it was fun in Physics today. We had to do this group project where we write a song on one of Newton's Laws, our was the third. Our group did a rap. The guy who rapped it was the white, blonde guy that we deemed Masta Skittles (instead of Eminem,get it? haha) and it was rather funny. I kept the beat. It was fun because I felt black. Speaking of ethnicities, I wish I was one. I wish I was Mexican or Asian or African or something. I think I'd want to be Asian, because I think Asians are pretty. It'd just be cool to be all Asian pride or something, ya know?

Oh, and speaking of other parts of the world, I'm rather excited because I get to go to Italy this Spring break. I know! Aren't you jealous? I'm going with my dad, he's all about bonding with his offspring. He went to Washington D.C. with my brother and is going to Italy with me. I know, Italy is way cooler than dinky old Washington. It's because I'm his little princess and he loves me more. Heh heh. Not really. I think. Whatever. I get to go to Italy.

I was going to say something else. Something else . . .Arg! I can't think of it! How annoying! Let's see. . .Italy . . my Dad . .me . . Sigh. It's gone. That makes me frustrated.

Oh well. I'm going to go watch the Survivor episode I TiVoed last Thursday. No, I can't do that. I have to read the first six chapters of The Scarlet Letter. D'oh!

9:24 p.m. October 06, 2003
yesterday . not so yesterday