i want more than just okay
Notes Host

my brother's back and i'm gonna be in trouble (hey ya! hey ya! my brother's back!)

My brother is back in town. He came back last night at about 8:30. Its been fun having him back. He's quite a distraction though. Its probably good that he lives so far away because if he came to visit more often, I would never get any work done. Like last night, I got home from church at about 8 and went straight to Cantina Lorado with my family to talk to Will about how college has been. When we got back home, Will and I just hung around and watched TV for a little while until he mentioned the greatness that is Extreme Airheads and we left to go get some. (It was already way past my bedtime) I think the main reason he wanted to go was to get some cigarettes. He smokes a lot now. It makes me sad. He asked if it would be okay if he smoked in front of me and I said no. I don't like knowing that my big brother smokes, let alone having to watch him do it. He says that he's trying to quit, but I don't know how successful that's going to be seeing as how all his friends up in Nashville smoke. That's how he met them. There's only one small place at Belmont University where smoking is permitted, so all the smokers know each other. Anywho, we didn't get back untill like 11:30 and that was my point. I'm a ninny and go to bed at like 10 every night so it was quite a stretch to stay up that late. And I didn't get to study for my Latin quiz, but I think I did well on it anyway (well. what a good grammer user I am). But it was fun. I love my brother so much. He's such the coolest guy. He's going to come up to my school tomorrow and eat lunch with me. Very exciting. And he's bringing me Subway, which is even more special because Subway is of the gods. So that'll be fun.

We watched Identity tonight. Very interesting movie. (if you haven't seen the movie, you might want to stop reading this now) I thought is was exciting and suspenseful up until the point where I found out nothing was real and it was all in some guy's head. That kind of ruined it for me. I know that that's like the coolest part, but I like to get into a story and I can't really get into it if I know nothing is real (not like it's real anyway, it is a movie, but if it was real in the movie, it would be more exciting. you know.). It ended up about being some crazy guy that I don't really care about and the people I did care about, the crazy guy's personalities, weren't real, so it was all just a waste of time. Does that make any sense? Probably not. Oh well. I'm not here to make sense, I'm here to . . .you know . . . .be here . . .


7:37 p.m. October 16, 2003
yesterday . not so yesterday