i want more than just okay
Notes Host

my computer must die!

Oh my gosh, I am so going to kill my computer. I am so mad at it! I just wrote this whole big entry describing my day because today has been such such an awesome day, but when I push the "done!" button, a page shows up that says nothing but, "could not select that database" or something like that. I was like, "Oh crap. Please don't let my entry be earsed. Please Please dear God let it still be there." So, I click the back button, and guess what. I bet you can guess what happens next. It's all gone! The whole entry that I must've taken at least 15 minutes to produce. Grrrrrrrr! I am so upset! Well, of course I'm not going to write it all over again that would be silly and annoying and would take way to long, but let me tell ya, I am very very angry.

Well, to briefly sum up my day, I went to church where this cool band Flying Machine played becaue our music team was on a break and then went out to lunch with them and some friends. Then, my friends and I went to my house and watched Remeber the Titans untill we had to leave for Merge which is this young adult thing at my church that occurs once a month. Well, Flying Machine was at it and it basically just ended being a concert featuring them. They are really really awesome. After Merge the youth went back in the "youth nook" and ate pizza and just chilled. Then I went home and here I am. Of course, I went into WAY more detaile last time, but no, that had to get ALL erased. I am so mad at my computer!

Oh my gosh, Radiohead is so weird. I'm listening to them right now because its my brother's CD and it was just in the computer and so I was like, "Hey, I'll listen to this".....and I did . . . . and I am . . .. and they some very strange folks. Let me tell ya. Right now the song is "The National Anthem" . Its kinda freaking me out.

I get out of school this Friday. Woohoo!!

9:16 p.m. May 19, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday