i want more than just okay
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i got reviewed

I got reviewed. I couldn't help it. Though when I started this thing, I didn't want anyone else's views to effect it, because it was my diary and all, not some comercial website, but I really wanted to know what they thought. So, I got reviewed. I was pleased on how it turned out. What made me happy was when she said she would "definitely" be coming back. Oh, and the definitely had an exclamation point. So, it was more like, "definitely!". Yay, I am loved.

I seriously put way too much thought into what others think about me. It is an obsession I have. Like, I bet of she had said that my diary sucked and was boring and I should never write again, I would definitely have been majorly dicouraged. Heck, I might have shut-down the whole thing and compromised with an offline diary. That's how much it would have affected me. Is that weird? Or is that normal?

Sometimes, I wish I could read people's minds just to make sure that I wasn't the only freak out there and maybe to find out that I'm not a freak at all. That I had the same doubts and fears and insecurities as everyone else. That would be nice.

And heck, it would just be cool to read other's minds. If I could have one superpower, that's what I would want it to be (yes, I have thought about this). It would be so cool, seriously. Like, I would know exacty what to say at the exact right time. I would know if Tyler liked me. I would know all sorts of great stuff, and probably a whole lot more depressing stuff too, now that I think about it. I would know all the bad thoughts people think about me. That wouldn't be very fun. Maybe if I could read minds, I could have a filter thing that weeded out all the bad thoughts and only presented the good. That would be nice.

Yeah, laugh all you want, I am a nerd and gosh darn proud of it.

I just found out that the girl who reviewed me has put me on her buddy list. I am so touched. Thank you!

10:14 p.m. May 14, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday