i want more than just okay
Notes Host

good moods are good

Hooray for Thanksgiving! I have no school next week because of it. Woohoo! I feel so free. No homeword alll week (except for reading 4 chapters of A Tale of Two Cities, but that's no biggie). And, you know, I guess the no school part is pretty fabulous too.

Another reason I'm in such a good mood is that my Mom's decorating for Christmas and has the holiday music blaring. How can I not be in a good mood when thinking about Christmas?

I'm babysitting tonight,and usually that would be a cause for despair, but I'm doing it with my friends so it's all good in da hood. And afterwards we are hanging out so it's even better in da . . er . . hood. I'm so white.

4:19 p.m. November 22, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday