i want more than just okay
Notes Host

Small boobs, nice butts, and butterflies

I got back from rehearsal a little while ago. It went until seven. That's the longest rehearsal has ever gone. I'm getting really tired of it. I'm not having fun - at all. I don't think I'm acting so good either. My heart's just not in it. I feel like I'm just up there, saying a bunch of lines. Sigh. I don't like my costume either. I'm supposed to dress sort of like a hooch, and my body is sooo not made for hoochiness. My boobs are way too small!! I keep on having to tug on the neckline of my outfit. I like how my butt looks in it though. I like my butt. It's nice.

Today, during Algebra, something cool happened. I was just sitting in my desk, wanting to go home and go to sleep, Mrs. Sharp was yammering on about polynomials and what not, when a beautiful yellow butterfly flew up to the window. It was so pretty. It just kept banging against the window, trying to get in. It reminded me of this past weekend. I saw a lot of butterflies at Overtime. There were 2 flying around on Sunday while Rob was preaching at the outdoor amphitheater. It was neat. It made me think God was really watching over us. That he was there.

Aw . . I love butterflies.

Yay! I feel better now. When I started this entry, I felt like total horse crap. I have just been so tired lately, what with the retreat last weekend and the play, that I just wanted to cry. All day I felt like that. There was no reason for the impulse to cry, just that I was tired and wanted to be back at Overtime. I feel a little better now. That's good.

I can't go to church Wednesday because of rehearsal. That sucks. I can't wait untill this thing is over. Opening night is next Thursday, so I don't have much longer. Thank God.

Just 6 more weeks of school. Woohoo!

Awe, you know what makes me happy? When people leave me notes or write in my guestbook. It brightens my day. Thanks guys!

7:20 p.m. April 15, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday