i want more than just okay
Notes Host


reading: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
listening: "Draw the Line" by Aerosmith
eating: nothing
aniticipating: going to Jackson next week!

This time next week, I will be in Jackson, Mississippi. My youth group at my church are going on a mission trip to there. I'm am really excited about it. We are going to stay in these apartment type things that First Baptist Jackson owns. We are going to do a vacation bible school for the little ones, and other stuff that I don't remember. I think I heard something about demolition. That would be cool.

I am really, really, bumped about this trip. I always have such on awesome time with my youth group. Last year we went to Chicago for our mission trip. Oh my gosh, that was one of the funnest weeks of my life. Seriously. We stayed in this little church that we were helping fix up. We painted the restrooms, pulled weeds, picked up trash around the nieghborhood, and other stuff that needed to be done. We did all that in the morning. During the day, we did the tourist thing and visited all the main attractions Chicago has to offer. We visited the Sears tower, went shopping downtown, visited the beach of Lake Michigan, went to some museum, and other great things. All that was loads of fun. Then, in the evenings, we went on the streets of Chicago and took surveys. That was the funnest part for me. We would just stop random people on the sidewalks and asked them a couple questions. The questions ranged from, "What is your favorite radio station?" to "If you could ask God one question, what would it be?". It was really cool to get out of my comfort zone and talk to strangers like that. Some people would just ignore us, others would just say a simple, or sometimes rude, "No," , while others were actually patient enough to stop and have us ask them questions. It was quite an experience.

But the main the I loved most about going to Chicago is the people I went with. My youth group is full with a bunch of awesome people that I love and want to spend every minute with. I remember, after the day was over, sitting on the floor of the church, our sleeping bags spread all around, and just talking. Hanging out. It was so cool.

One thing that was a bit of a diffculty is that we only had one shower. ONE. For about thirty people there was only one shower. We had to take like, two minute showers each. That was definitely an experience.

I just can't wait for Jackson. It's going to be so great. I want to go now!

2:41 p.m. June 03, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday