i want more than just okay
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vacation bible school

reading: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
listening: nothing
eating: vanilla creme wafers
aniticipating: seeing Tyler again tomorrow night

My church's vacation bible school started tonight. I am in charge of one of the "Safari Crews". (the theme this year is Bug Safari) Well, I am actually a co-leader with some 7th grade kid, but he doesn't count. Anywho, it started tonight and it was loads of fun. My crew has six youngens, most of them age five. There are only two girls and 7 boys, so it got kind of crazy. But it was a fun sort of crazy. At one point they were taking this one little boy's hat and putting in on people's head and then saying "You're a taco-head!" It was funny to watch. Ahh, the innocence of youth.

After the school ended all us youth crew leaders went outside and played volleyball. That was great fun also. We played for about an hour. Man did I get a work-out! We are trying to get really good at volleyball so that when camp comes along, and we compete against the other churchs, we can at least get past the second round. Our first year we were in the tournament we didn't win one game. The next year (last year) we at least got to the second round, but then lost. But this year, we plan on kicking some major butt. Those First Baptist San Antonians won't know what hit 'em.

Tyler was there tonight. Ahh Tyler. He's great. Sure he has a girlfriend and all, but they aren't married or anything, right? And do you wanna know what is really cool? Sure you do. Tyler is going to Jackson too. That means one whole week with non-stop Tyler. And you know, serving the Lord. *cough*

Seriously though, I am looking forward to serving. Don't want you to think I'm horrible or anything. Not that you really care or anything.

I am now tired. I'm gonna sleep.

Sounds logical, eh?

11:18 p.m. June, 03, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday