i want more than just okay
Notes Host


I'm not going to school today. I'm skipping. Kind of. I told my parents I was sick. That it was probably gas or something. I have only been absent three days this whole year, so they didn't really mind all that much letting me stay home. I still need to go to rehearsal though. It's a dress rehearsal, but today will mainly be a technical rehearsal. Those are no fun for actors. No siree.

If I were at school right now, I'd be in Dance. Man, I am so bummed I can't be there.

Note the sarcasm

Yup, Tyler was at church yesterday. I talked to him a little. Nothing special. I still don't think he has much interest in me. I mean, I don't think he totally doesn't know I exsist or anything. Just, he just, I don't know, he's just my friend, I guess. Well, I have plenty of friends. I wish he would be more.

Look at me! I'm a children's book character! I took a quiz and this is who I ended up as:

I guess that's kind of like me. You should see who you are! Just go here.

9:34 a.m. April 22, 2002
yesterday . not so yesterday