i want more than just okay
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overtime pictures and the awesomeness that is X-men

Hey guys, don't you want to see some pictures from Overtime? Eh, no one really cares but me, but oh well. I like looking at my friends. They're hot.

andrea looking cute and sleeping on the way there
allison and me. aren't we cute? marcie and whitney
allison is sexy
lindsey. she led worhsip. she has an amazing voice and is an amazing person. oh, and she's hot too.
alex and me. no i'm not high, just a little allergetic. yes, he's crazy.
me and my group. it was so beautiful out there.
me and my fabulous cousin rob.

That's it for now kiddies. I have a lot more, ninety one to be exact, but I'm definitely not putting them all up here. That'd be craaazy. These will have to do. I know, it's tough. Maybe you should talk to someone about it.

Oh, and I'd like to reiterate how incredibly stoked I am about seeing X-men 2 tomorrow night. Evertime I think about it I get all warm and fuzzy inside. I hear the second one doesn't even compare to the first one, in goodness I mean. And I loved the first one, so . . . that's cool. I didn't think I would either. I was like, "Superheroes. Ew." But now I'm like, "Superheroes. Cool." So yeah, it's good. It's allllllllllllll good.

9:54 p.m. May 01, 2003
yesterday . not so yesterday